CANCUN, Q. Roo — The federal government said they were willing to discuss the use of medicinal marijuana in order to analyze its therapeutic benefits, according to Interior Secretary Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong.
In the opening ceremonies led by the federal government of the first “Public Health and Prevention” forum, which discussed the national debate over the use of medical marijuana, Osorio Chong guaranteed that the discussion would be transparent.
“In regard to its medical use, I think that it is very important for two reasons. First, because the majority, even at a national level, seem to agree on its therapeutic benefits. And secondly, the federal government will agree to analyze alternatives that could contribute to a better quality of life for the population,” the interior secretary said.
Osorio Chong said that there will be an inclusive discussion so that Mexico can make the best decision in this area.

Interior Secretary Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong opened the first national forum about the use of marijuana in Cancun. CUARTOSCURO.COM/ELIZABETH RUIZ FOTO: ELIZABETH RUIZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM
The governor of Quintana Roo, Roberto Borge Angulo, said that even though he recognized the use of medicinal marijuana, there is also a dark side to the drug, which includes violence, addiction and the destruction of the social fabric.
“We need to give families the certainty that an eventual legalization doesn’t turn into an addiction epidemic, nor a chaos that our country can’t properly attend to,” the governor said.
“Organizing a country-wide debate on the use of marijuana is certainly an initiative which would be fully assessed. With these actions, it becomes evident that President Peña Nieto has a profound respect for the citizens and democracy because he gives importance to dialogue, responsible debate, consultation and public opinion so that he can strengthen the rule of law,” Borge Angulo added.
The undersecretary of Human Rights of the Interior Secretariat, Roberto Campa, said that according to recent studies, the consumption of this drug has increased within young people because they have easy access to it.
“It has effects over memory, retention, ability to make decisions and behavior problems,” said Bertha K. Madras, the president of the Neurochemistry Division of the Harvard School of Medicine.
The federal government carried out five forums, which took place in Cancun, Ciudad Juárez, Saltillo, Guadalajara and Mexico City.
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