MEXICO WINDPOWER 2016 is the most important Congress and Exhibition for the wind industry in the country and is the only event organized by GWEC and AMDEE along with E.J.Krause de México.
In its fifth edition, MEXICO WINDPOWER has emerged as the most important international business summit of renewable energies in our country, proving to be the only event of its kind with significant and steady growth.
Governors, ministers, high-ranking officials, and international experts will be joining the “Mexico WindPower” Exhibition and Congress on February 24-25, 2016, at the Centro Banamex Convention and Exhibition Center in Mexico City.
Top-level speakers will address the present and future of the wind energy sector, its regulations, markets and technological trends, among other topics, at the upcoming international 2016 Mexico Wind Power Exhibition and Congress, which is now the most important event of its type in the entire country.
The first panel, devoted to the future of the wind energy sector in Mexico and indeed the world, will include the Ministers of Energy and of the Environment & Natural Resources, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell and Rafael Pacchiano, respectively. In addition, Enrique Ochoa Reza, Director General of the Federal Commission of Electricity, and Alejandra Palacios Prieto, Director General of the Federal Commission for Economic Competence, will also be taking part.
Relevant subjects, such as the situation of wind energy in Mexico, the benefits of the energy reform for the environmental sector, the Federal Commission of Electricity, wind energy, and market dominance are just a few of the topics to be addressed.

Each MW of wind power installed prevents the emission of 2,900 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, significantly slowing the progression of climate change. (Photo: AMDEE)
The panel will also feature Steve Sawyer, Secretary General of Global Wind Energy Council, and Tom Kiernan, Chief Executive Officer of the American Wind Energy Association, who will discuss the situation and international experience from the global wind energy sector.
Throughout day one, Cesar Emiliano Hernandez Ochoa, Electricity Undersecretary to the Ministry of Energy, Francisco Xavier Salazar Diez de Sollano, Acting Chairman of the Energy Regulating Commission, Silvia Alvarado de Cordoba, Chief Commissioner of the National Commission of Electrical Energy from Guatemala, and Dana Younger, Chief Renewable Energy Specialist from International Finance Corporation, will discuss the regulations and legal framework of the wind energy sector in Mexico.
Jaime Rodríguez Calderon and Egidio Torre Cantú, Governors of the states of Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas, respectively; Eduardo Meraz Ateca, Director General of the Energy Control National Center; Fernando Schaich, Chair of the Wind Energy Association of Uruguay; Leonardo Beltran Rodriguez, Undersecretary for Energy Planning and Transition at the Ministry of Energy; Martha Garcia Rivas Palmeros, Undersecretary for Environmental Protection Management at Semarnat; and Rolando Ocampo Alcantara, Vice-Chair of Geographic Information and Environment at the National Institute of Geography and Statistics, have been designated among the event’s keynote speakers.

Wind power currently produced in Mexico is enough to meet the power needs of 525,000 households (Photo AMDEE)
Wednesday and Thursday, February 24 – 25, 2016
Centro Banamex, Mexico City
8:00 to 18:30 hrs. (Entrance eligibility: 21 years and over).
De 10:00 a 19:00 hrs. Entrance eligibility: 21 years and over.
Free entry to exhibition for industry professionals
For full list of participants and conferences, please visit:
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