The Attorney General’s Office conducts investigations on two cases of stolen safes, occurred in the east of Merida, one of them, is yet to file official complaint.
So far, the prosecution has made no arrests related to this crime.
Two robberies occurred Saturday April 23 around dawn, a financial business and a home in the east of Merida, where thieves took safes containing a total of over one million pesos ($56.180 USD).
Because of the proximity of the two robberies, the prosecution presumes that they were commited by a band of criminals, who were fully aware that both safes contained considerable amounts of money.
In the first case, the prosecution began with the investigation file 957 / P1 / 2016 for the robbery that took place at “Confia” financial company, even though no formal complaint has yet been filed, investigations are conducted, as theft is prosecuted ex officio.

“Confía” financial company located at Circuito Colonias between 63-D and 63-C, Colonia Cortes Sarmiento (Photo: sipse)
According to the investigation file, the thieves forced the locks of the metal curtain to enter the property located in Circuito Colonias between 63-D and 63-C, Colonia Cortes Sarmiento. At the scene, the robbers seized a safe which contained $4,500 pesos (252 USD) and four cell phones.
While at the second robbery, according to file number 958/01/2016 in which the complainant is businessman Eduardo C.; the incident occurred at Colonia Extension Miraflores, where thieves broke into a private residence and took a safe containing more than one million pesos ($56.180 USD).
The heist also occurred in the early hours of Saturday April 23, and when the owner came home he noticed the lock on the gate was forced, the door was broken and the safe was gone.
The investigation by local police continues, nobody has been arrested yet.