The Interior Secretariat (Segob) through the National Migration Institute (INM) and the Foreign Affairs Secretariat (SRE) received 238 Cuban nationals Monday May 9 at Ciudad Juárez International Airport of Ciudad Juarez, on two flights from Panama, who were provided a provisional visitors document free of charge on humanitarian grounds.
Addressing an urgent call made by the Panamanian government, Mexico will maintain the support provided in previous weeks and that will allow the country to move 3,995 Cuban nationals found in Panamanian territory to Mexico to deal with what the country sees as a growing migration problem.

238 Cuban nationals sent from Panama arrived at Ciudad Juárez International Airport, Chihuahua. (Photo: Nacho Ruiz/Cuartoscuro)
On the two flights that landed in Ciudad Juárez, were 238 people — 166 men, 71 women and one child — who were given a provisional document as a humanitarian provision granting a stay in the country for 20 days, after which they will have to leave Mexican territory, the SRE stated to the press.
The INM has the power — according to the Migration Act in Article 42 and 52, section V, last paragraph — to allow the entry of foreigners by force majeure, where there exists a humanitarian cause or public interest requires entry into the country.