SAN FRANCISCO — In order to strengthen the academic cooperation partnerships and scientific research with the University of California, the rector of the UNAM, Enrique Graue Wiechers, is conducting a working tour in the United States.
UNAM said in a statement that meetings are planned at the headquarters of UNAM in San Francisco (UCSF) and Berkeley (UCB).
The rector is meeting with the president of the University of California, Janet Napolitano, and her working team, with whom he will address the importance of strengthening relations between the two institutions and promote mobility of students and teachers.
Later on, Graue Wiechers will attend the presentation of advances in equipment from the Global Health Sciences and the Energy Group from the UC-Mexico initiative at the Doe Library under the UC Berkeley.
The initiative is going to be presented at the UC-Mexico and California House (Chimalistac-CDMX), which promotes greater interaction with UNAM.
On Friay July 29 Graue Wiechers will meet with the Global Health Group, and he is also scheduled to visit the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where such academic programs as “The acceleration of the Future Energy Network” will be presented.
Some of his companions are Coordinator of Scientific Research, William Lee Alardin; Coordinator of Relations and International Affairs, Francisco Trigo Tavera and a professor from the Faculty of Medicine, Samuel Ponce de Leon.