Mexican multi-millionaire Carlos Slim received the “Appeal of Conscience Foundation Award”, an interfaith organization dedicated to freedom of religion, human rights and tolerance.
The award was presented by the president of that foundation, Rabbi Arthur Schneier, in New York City.
“Carlos Slim Helu, distinguished as a visionary business leader, has a deep sense of social responsibility. His philanthropic and humanitarian activities in the fields of health and education  have contributed to international cooperation and have improved the quality of life of generations to come,” said Schneier.
In the same ceremony, Schneier awarded the 2016 World Statesman Award to President of France, Francois Hollande; and he said the French president was “recognized for his leadership in safeguarding democracy and freedom in a time of terrorist violence, and his contribution to global stability and security.”
Andrew N. Liveris, president of The Dow Chemical Company, was also recognized for his work as “an innovative and visionary business executive leader, and for his philanthropy and passionate intervention for international companies to use their resources and broad reach across borders in order to better serve the global community. ”
Henry A. Kissinger, World Statesman Award 1999, delivered a speech and praised the winners at the awards dinner.
For over half a century, this international event has brought together more than 800 business, religious and public life leaders, foreign statesmen and diplomats that support global interfaith activities on behalf of religious freedom, human rights and tolerance.