Due to the national holidays for the Grito de Independencia (Cry of Independence), on Thursday and Friday Sept. 15-16, the Municipal Police will undertake a street operation around Merida’s Plaza Grande.
Therefore, on Thursday from 3 p.m. the following streets will be closed: Calle 59 x 62, Calle 59 x 60, Calle 65 x 60 and Calle 63 x 64; while at 5 p.m. will take place the closing of Calle 60 x 63 and Calle 61 x 58.
On Friday, for the occasion of the parade from 5:30 a.m., Paseo de Montejo will be closed from the Monumento de la Bandera (Flag Monument) to 47th Street; 58th Street, from 47 to 61, and 61st Street from 56 to 62, officials said in a statement.
All these streets will be reopened to traffic at the end of the parade.

Merida’s Independence Day parade will close Paseo de Montejo during morning hours Friday Sept. 16. (PHOTO: Robert Adams)
Because of these closures, citizens who commonly use these arteries are encouraged to take precautions and to drive on alternate routes to avoid inconvenience.
Also the public is asked to be aware of the reports issued by the Merida Municipal Police from its @policiameridamx twitter account, which will be updated constantly to enable people to stay informed about road operations that are being carried out.
In order to provide further information or support the Merida Municipal Police makes available to the public the telephone number 999 942 0060.
Source: sipse.com