Prices for fuel in Mexico will be variable depending on the region
From January 1 to February 3, the national average price of gasoline will be 15.99 pesos per litre of Magna, 17.79 pesos for Premium and 17.05 pesos per diesel, reported the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.
The unit explained in a statement that these maximum prices represent increments of 14.2% for Magna gasoline, 20.1% for Premium and 16.5% for diesel compared to those observed in December 2016.
Maximum prices will differ between the different regions of the country. The difference in costs is due to the distance from each location to the Pemex refineries or the points of importation, as well as to the different types of infrastructure for transportation and fuel distribution. These costs, approved by the Energy Regulatory Commission, vary for each region.
The country will be divided into a total of 90 regions (7 at the border and 83 inland), which correspond to the areas that supply Pemex’s existing storage and distribution infrastructure.
There is no increase in taxes on fuels. These concepts are also common across regions.
In the seven border areas with the United States, the maximum price will be set to limit the difference between the Mexican city and the US city on the other side of the border, through adjustments in the corresponding taxes.
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