Catholic priest and social justice activist Alejandro Solalinde Guerra, who has described Veracruz as Mexico’s biggest graveyard, denounced both politicians and church officials for crime and complicity yesterday during a visit to the state.
“Before God they shall have to state the favors they received from those two scoundrels, [governors] Fidel Herrera Beltrán and Javier Duarte de Ochoa,” he declared.

Governor Yunes and Solalinde at a meeting with families of the disappeared. (PHOTO:
Solalinde’s was one of the first voices raised in warning about mass graves in Veracruz, and some have since been found. But there’s more — and worse — to come, he said.
At least 300 bodies have been found in hidden graves during recent excavations, but “they’re nothing compared with what’s to come.”
“The largest [mass graves] have yet to be found in [the municipalities of] Coatzacoalcos, Acayucan, Tierra Blanca, Orizaba and Córdoba. There are caves there used to store bodies.”