Home PlanetYucaEnvironment Deforestation increases in Merida due to unexpected population growth

Deforestation increases in Merida due to unexpected population growth

by Yucatan Times
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The growth of Mérida, generated by the arrival of more people to the city and the increase of vehicle use and parking, causes greater deforestation than previously contemplated by the authorities, because it is faster than expected, stated Diana Carmona Santisbón, president of the Sustainable Future Foundation.

During the press conference held yesterday in the offices of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) to present the Sustainability Fair, Carmona Santisbón said that the growth of Mérida is worsened by the lack of monitoring and maintenance of green spaces in the new subdivisions.

Although the government does ask for green areas within its rules and even urban developers plan them within their projects, when the subdivisions are in operation, the area is maintained with stones but no trees are planted, said Diana Carmona.

Civil society must do its part and demand that the requirements for green areas be met, so “we have to report”.

She acknowledged that people who arrive in Merida from other cities generate a greater need for housing spaces, therefore creating greater deforestation in the Yucatecan capital. That adds to the unexpected growth of cars in the city, which exceeded previous expectations, she added.

Aerial view of Merida's Centro shows lack of trees and green spaces. (PHOTO: LightHawk)

Aerial view of Merida’s Centro shows lack of trees and green spaces. (PHOTO: LightHawk)

She said that more than 50 percent of young people are concerned about the environmental situation, but many are wondering what to do to solve it. The director of the Latin University also acknowledged that the answer is environmental education, to understand what happens and what solutions to offer.

The Sustainability Fair will be held on Saturday April 8 at Acuaparque, from 10 am to 3 pm, and will involve 12 civil associations related to the environment.

Source: lajornadamaya.mx

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