We continue our Mexico road trip series with Chuck Bolotin, from Best Places in the World to Retire, as he, his wife, and two dogs drive through Mexico in a large, white van. Just how much difference does it make to the quality of your life not to have to do chores in Mexico? Here’s an article that does the math… and it’s pretty compelling.
Earlier today, at the exact same moment that my wife and I were enjoying the scenery during our relaxing, unhurried walk with our dogs, the hard water stains in our bathrooms were being removed, our laundry was being done, our floors were being mopped, and the weeds in our yard were being pulled.
Had Jet and I somehow mastered “simultaneity” or found a quirk in the space-time continuum in order to be in two places at once?
Hardly. What we did didn’t require any scientific breakthroughs, but for us, it was almost as impactful. So impactful that, by my calculations, it has added more than 36 very happy years of free time to the combination of my wife and my lives.
Here’s how it works…
Click here for the full article.