Quintana Roo stands out in Southeast Mexico as the state where online banking fraud has increased the most in the last few years, SIPSE Noticias reports.
PLAYA DEL CARMEN, Q. Roo — In the Southeast, in the course of 2017, other states have had an average of 200-300 complaints, while Quintana Roo has had around 500, according to Juan Bosco García Galán, delegate of the Condusef (National Commission to Protect and Defend Financial Services Users).
García Galán states that this number is alarming, as just in the past two years it did not exceed 50. “These types of warnings are a very important issue for us, and we are obligated to inform this to our community, as there is no care in banking data protection”, he said.
Although there is no accurate data on the amount of economic losses, it is calculated that it exceeds millions of pesos; not only in Quintana Roo, but also in other Southeast states, such as Campeche, Yucatan, Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Tabasco. “It is crucial that people pay attention to their financial statements and check them frequently (…). Recently, there was a case of a user who complained because he had credits opened under his name stating he had bought three cars, when in reality he had never made such purchases”, Juan Bosco mentioned.
This is the new problem bank users are –and have been — facing within the past year. According to Condusef, work is being done in alliance with the Cyber Police, state prosecutors and legislatures, to create laws to strengthen sanctions against anyone who commits this crime.