Today Monday Aug. 21 the partial eclipse of the sun will be viewable in Merida and throughout the Yucatan Peninsula.
The Merida City Council shared some options to enjoy this
phenomenon without risk because there will be specialized equipment available.
In Merida, the “Arcadio Poveda Ricalde” Planetarium of the Olympo Cultural Center will carry out various activities, including linking virtually to pages of NASA, Planetarium
Torreón and the Solar Observatory of the University of Sonora to follow this astronomical phenomenon.
The beginning of the partial eclipse in Merida will be observed at 12:16 pm and the maximum will be viewed at 1:44 p.m.
By courtesy of the UADY Astronomical Society there will be forty special sunglasses available at the Planetarium.
The sunglasses will be provided to those who wish to watch the eclipse live, with prior training for its correct use.
Meanwhile, in the Parque de la Alemán, the “Explore” Planetarium, which collaborates with the “Arcadio Poveda” Planetarium, will also realize activities to observe the sun, from the 11:30 am free of charge.