MERIDA — The Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals A.C. (AMPI) will hold its national conference on August 23 and 24 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Merida.
The Summit of Real Estate Professionals of the country will analyze the situation facing this important sector for the economic, political and social development of Mexico, said Beatriz Gamboa Lago, president of AMPI.
AMPI was founded in 1956; it brings together at the national level all the individuals that are dedicated to real estate activity, mainly real estate agencies, administrators, appraisers, consultants and advisers in financing.
Gamboa said the housing industry plays a transcendental role in the productive and economic activity of the country. It is a potential element to diversify investment, infrastructure and generate labor sources. It is a huge window of opportunities to develop in different branches and even more, to cross borders with great impact to the outside.
Despite national and international adversities, Mexico maintains a privileged position among the different retiree destinations on its shores, magical villages and all corners of the country.
The real estate market maintains an upward trend in practically all the segments; The relative competitiveness of the peso against the dollar benefits the tourism segment. But attention is paid to the behavior of the residential and commercial segment sensitive to consumption levels and interest rate increases.
In the last 25 years, AMPI as an Association has demonstrated its positioning: training, advisory, development and administration to the real estate investment of the clients, the real estate decisions are the basis of the patrimonial planning.
The National AMPI Mission, Gamboa said, is to be a private, non-governmental body that groups professional individuals who provide their real estate services in Mexico under their Bylaws and Code of Ethics, for the integral training of their associates; Dignify real estate practices and protect the rights of private property.
The Association has a National Council of Directors, which is composed of 20 associates, whose powers are to represent the Association through the National President at National and International level.
This year 2017 is full of important projects that are shared: in February, the new National AMPI 2017 Council was formally inauguarated at the Auditorium of the Soumaya Museum in Mexico City.
AMPI Nacional is characterized by the promotion of updating and professional development through the Center for Training, Research and Statistics (CCIE), which aims to contribute in an integral way to the professionalization of its members through the promotion, design, coordination and delivery of programs Educational programs that offer a range of possibilities, face-to-face and online (Webex).
By using this state-of-the-art technology, real-time feedback from disciples in different cities of the country is achieved. The level of training programs is international in scope through certifications: CIPS, TRC and ABR.
Also, in March, AMPI’s Training, Research and Statistics Center opened new courses and certifications to offer partners more and better tools for competitive development. In May, the exam was carried out again as a Higher Technical University in Commercialization Real Estate in agreement with the CENEVAL. Likewise, the number of certification bodies was increased and 13 certification bodies were added according to the CONOCER Y SEP Institute.
The official certification processes allow the development of additional instruments to strengthen social dialogue in the framework of work and the alliance for productivity and favor labor mobility within and outside the country. AMPI is a leader in the promotion and evaluation for INFONAVIT credit products, that is, it is a certification and evaluation entity.
National AMPI, endorsed, works hand in hand with the business sector, trade union and Federal, state and municipal governments.
She reported that they strengthen the relationship between National AMPI and real estate associations in other countries, including USA and Canada. This year, joint collaboration agreements were signed with different international associations.