Home PlanetYucaEnvironment Water service suspended to 20,000 customers in Merida, due to a huge leak

Water service suspended to 20,000 customers in Merida, due to a huge leak

by Yucatan Times
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A pipe was damaged during drilling for construction of rain wells; Japay has already repaired the problem… 

MERIDA — Workers from the Yucatan Water and Sewerage Board (Japay) immediately went to repair the leakage of water caused by the drilling of a rain well, which caused suspension of service for about 20,000 users in 10 colonies in the west of this city.

At the intersection of streets 61 and 96 of the Bojórquez colony, 15 plumbers in the unit took appropriate action to stop the waste of water, which came out of an 18-inch pipe and caused the water spill of 20 liters per second.

(Photo: Diario de Yucatan)

The distribution manager of Japay, Germán Jiménez Espadas, reported that due to this situation, the supply of two reservoirs of the Water Treatment Plant Number 2 was suspended, leaving the inhabitants of the Bojórquez, Xoclán, Mulsay, Sambulá, Yucalpetén and the first to fifth stages of Pensiones, among other areas, without service.

At the leak site, the official said that yesterday Thursday Augst 10, the repair was concluded and the water distribution was restored, while the quantification of damages was made.

In that sense, Jiménez Espadas explained that the legal area of ​​the Japay contacted its counterpart of the City of Mérida to cover the costs of the damage, and that it will be verified if any neighbor was affected inside his home.

It is worth remembering that last April 11, in this same street, a few meters from where this drilling was made, a similar incident was registered that not only resulted in the suspension of service, but water entered houses and affected directly the residents.

Source: laverdadnoticias.com

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