Cancun authorities anticipate increase in demand for housing….
CANCUN — Following the strong earthquake in the center of the country, migration to the Mexican Caribbean is expected to increase more than usual and it could happen before December, said Jorge Alemán Yudico, president of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI).
“We have seen that there are about 45 collapsed buildings, many of them offices, but others were apartments. The usual is that people await to summer periods, such as July and August, to migrate to another state because of the school calendar year, but I believe that on this occasion they will not wait for the school year and they will be here for December to start the semester in the month of January,” he explained.

Jorge Alemán Yudico, president of the Mexican Real Estate Proffesionals Asociation (Photo: Noticaribe)
Mr. Alemán acknowledged that it would be very risky to speak of a percentage of sales because of this phenomenon, mainly because the number of affected was not massive as happened for example in 1985. At the moment there are about 100 families that arrive daily to Cancun to make this city their new home, but with this phenomenon that number could increase 100%, he said.
In addition, he said, there is also the possibility that some companies decide to relocate to this destination, and that means migration of entire families, as a single company has at least five workers.
This migration, he added, would be made up of inhabitants not only of Mexico City, but also of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla and Morelos, which were affected by the recent earthquakes.
He mentioned that there is a sufficient supply of housing, with more than five thousand properties for sale in the state of Quintana Roo, of which 70% are in Benito Juarez, with an average cost above one million pesos.