National Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Tourism Services oppose electronic invoicing 3.3….
MERIDA — From the perspective of the Fiscal Affairs Vice President of the National Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Tourism Services (Concanaco), Julio César Cantú Flores, the tax reform of 2014 decreases the purchasing power of Mexican workers because it takes away 35% of their salary.
This policy against the working class, the application of the new electronic invoice version 3.3, and the error of increasing IVA (tax added to products’ price) from 10% to 16% in the states of the border area with the United States are factors that decrease economic growth from the rhythm of the 6% shown a few years ago, increase informality and limit the prosperity of Mexican families, he said.
Cantú Flores participated in the talk of the General Administrator of Taxpayer Services of the SAT, Adrián Guarneros Tapia. Interviewed in Merida, Cantú said that from his point of view and based on his 50 years as a public accountant, he can say that the tax reform of 2014 has been the most infamous: How is it possible that minimum wages are not deductible more than 48%, 50% and 52%?
He commented that everyone knows that the minimum wage does not exist, it is higher in all of Mexico and you need to pay good salaries to hire better staff, and if you qualify, it is obvious that you have to earn more money.

In the photo from right to left: José Manuel López Campos, Concanaco General Secretary; Juan José Abraham Dáguer, head of Canaco Merida; Adrián Guarneros Tapia, SAT representative and Julio César Cantú Flores, Fiscal Affairs Concanaco National Vice president (Photo: Diario de Yucatán)
“Do you know how much we pay individuals for taxes?” he asked. “Anything less than 35% of the salary goes to the tax authorities. It is more than the third part with which the Federation remains. And what do they do with all that money? We continue to suffer insecurity, we still have many potholes in the streets and we continue to suffer from the problem of garbage because the municipalities do not have capacity to serve the whole territory. Here in Merida I am glad to see that it is a clean city with new streets, something that is quite the opposite in my city, Monterrey,” stated Cantú Flores.
He also reviewed the problems faced by businesses with the new invoicing 3.3, mainly the huge catalog of products that will have to be researched, the intense work that will be done by the businesses to fill the digital formats in each purchase and to disaggregate each product, in addition of the great future impact on the sector known as the Fiscal Incorporation Regime — businesses that sell up to $2 million a year — that with difficulties entered into the formality and now, due to this new fiscal problem, there is the risk of being discouraged from complying and return to informality.
“What the government and legislators have to do is lower the tax on wages from 35% to 25%, lower IVA from 16% to 10% and make it easier to pay taxes to the treasury,” he said.