MÉRIDA — The Star Médica private hospital in Mérida again is in the “eye of the hurricane”, as one of its doctors is accused criminally of malpractice, since he operated on a woman and allegedly left inside her body a 50-centimeter catheter that was close to causing a sepsis that could have cost her life.
Milenio newspaper reports the affected person is Mrs. Genny C. E, who filed the complaint P3 / 3687/2016 against the endovascular neurosurgeon Eduardo Cabañas Corona, who has reportedly refused to give his statement about the facts, despite the fact that the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) has sent summons on several occasions.

A doctor at Star Medica is accused of failing to remove a catheter, allegedly shown in X-ray photo inset at right. PHOTO: sipse.com
This is the second recent case that is disclosed in which physicians at Star Medica are reported to the FGE, because in September the pediatrician Francisco González Martínez and the surgeon Wilhem Cerón Grajales of this hospital appeared before the Public Ministry, where they reserved the right to testify about the facts imputed to them, in relation to the death of the child Fabrizio Sosa Ávila, one year old, that occurred last August.
Failing to appear was the director of the Star Medica, Hugo Boehm Rivero, who was also summoned by the authorities to testify about the case of Mrs. Genny, 48 years old.
The woman said that on October 28, 2015, she worked as a supervisor of
sales of condominiums in San Ángelo 08 and when verifying the operation of a
service elevator, one of the doors hit her in the left superciliary region
(above the left eyebrow) that caused Cranioencephalic trauma with loss of cerebrospinal fluid through the nose and ear.
At the time, Mrs. Genny consulted in the first instance the Mexican Institute
of Social Security (IMSS) to report the work accident but decided
be taken care of under her medical expenses insurance at the Clinica de Merida, where she was initially treated and then referred to Dr. Cabañas at Star Medica.
Dr. Cabañas said that together with his legal advisor Efraín Encalada Burgos, they went first to Medical Conciliation, but Dr. Cabañas allegedly not only did not want
“settle” economically, but accused Genny of being a drug addict and not coming to remove the catheter (because according to him he told her to take it out in
August 2016).
The criminal complaint was filed in November last year, but the doctor allegedly
has ignored the subpoenas sent to him by the authorities.
Source: sipse.com