Yucatecan industry remains positioned as one of the best in the country, with Yucatan among the five states with the highest industrial growth in the nation during the first 8 months of 2017…
MERIDA – Between January and August of this year, the Monthly Indicator of Industrial Activity by Federative Entity (Imaief) of Inegi indicates that industrial activity in Yucatan has grown 6.3%, higher than states with a significant industrial sector such as Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, Nuevo León and the state of Mexico.
The most important industrial activities in Yucatan are manufacturing, the construction industry, the generation and distribution of water, gas and electricity and stone extraction for construction.
In the first eight months of 2017, the manufacturing industry has grown 11.3%, reaching practically two consecutive years growing at double digits, which demonstrate an unprecedented growth in the state.
In 2017, the Yucatecan Brewery that belongs to Grupo Modelo and the aluminum packaging plant of the company Envases Universales were inaugurated. In addition, last month the electrical-cables plant of Leoni AG, the German company that is the world leader in auto parts, opened near Merida.
In this installation harnesses for vehicles of the companies BMW, Volvo and General Motors will be manufactured, and during its first stage will be operated by a thousand employees with the profiles of industrial engineers, production engineers, logistics engineers, technical specialists, accountants, administrative assistants and systems technicians.
In the International trade sector, in 2012 Yucatan witnessed between January and October a total of 26,808 containers that were exported through the Port of Progreso, but during 2017, in the same period, the export was of 35,299 container. This means that in five years, there has been a growth of 32% in the export of containerized cargo through the port of Progeso, and this is a reflection of a state that continues to advance and that has already positioned itself as a logistics platform for business and industry.
Source: www.yucatan.com.mx