Dr. Alma Duran is an anthropologist, educator and expert in yoga and meditation. Since the 1980s she has maintained her personal practice of daily yoga, inspired mainly by the teachings of Viniyoga, the tradition founded by Turumalai Krisnamacharya. Her commitment to Buddhism came a decade later. She considers that these two disciplines – yoga and meditation – helped her enormously to maintain a healthy balance in her life as a communicator, professor and university researcher.
Alma has had the privilege of receiving lessons directly from world-renowned masters such as Thich Nhat Hanh, TK Desikachar, Larry Payne, Fred Miller, Matty Ezrati, Eric Schiffmann, Lisa Walford, Kavita Pippon, Andrea Fink, Adriaan van Wagensveld, Gabi Theinert and Swami Bodhichitananda Saraswati, just to mention a few.
Alma’s formal education as a yoga teacher is very complete. She has obtained certifications in several different styles: Iyengar Yoga, Power Yoga and in the tradition of Sivananda Yoga. Additionally, she has successfully completed workshops in various specialties, among others Regenerative Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga for back problems, and Yoga for people over 40. For her work taking yoga to special needs or previously marginalized populations, Dr. Duran has been named Ambassador of the Accessible Yoga Network, a non-profit organization based in Santa Barbara, California.

Dr. Alma Duran
Following the teachings of T. K. Desikachar that have influenced her practice significantly, Dr. Duran starts from the principle that well-applied yoga has a therapeutic potential. Her classes are guided by breathing; they are safe, gentle and focus on the individual needs of each student. Her classes are perfect for those who want to restore their internal balance and improve their health.
Educated formally as a yoga teacher in the United States and in Germany, Dr. Durán offers yoga and meditation classes in several languages.
And right now, Dr. Alma Durán is teaching a class specially designed for Ex-pats and Snowbirds living in Merida at Semilla Yoga, a Yoga center located in Colonia García Ginerés.
- Class in English for Ex-pats and Snowbirds
- Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 11:30 AM
- Dr. Durán’s Regenerative and Therapeutics Yoga sessions are Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30 PM
For more information call Semilla Yoga or pay them a visit so you can check out the facility and the rest of yoga and meditation classes they have there.
Dr, Duran has a facebook page called Yoga con Alma
Semilla Yoga
- Calle 15 #210 (between 24 and 26)
- Col. García Ginerés
- Mérida, Yucatán México.
- PH.- (999) 925-0248
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Semilla-Yoga
Article written by Alejandro Azcárate for The Yucatan Times