Home Food and Drink Yucatecan restauranteus fear the growth of franchises

Yucatecan restauranteus fear the growth of franchises

by Yucatan Times
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From 2016 to date, this type of business increased 20% in the state capital.

Merida Yucatan.-
The installation of international franchises has increased 20% in the city of Merida compared to 2016, which although it is positive to increase the supply in consumption, it has an impact on the Yucatecan restaurant industry.

The president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (CANIRAC) Mérida delegation, Carlos Campos Achach, explained, there has been a major interest in investing in the restaurant industry due to the good development shown by the economy of the state all through 2017.

Campos Achach said: “Yucatan is a state with many qualities and benefits, including a good economic development in all sectors, coupled with great security, even though some tragic, but isolated events have happened, they have been solved quickly, so that makes our state safe and attractive”.

He also mentioned; “Franchises, although positive by injecting variety in terms of options, it is a strong competition to Yucatecan restaurant owners. It definitely affects the restaurateurs of the state, since the market gets fragmented and divided between more businesses, creating more competition. This could affect even more, if the restaurant industry market does not grow in tandem with the economic growth, so we will have to take other measures”. (SIC)

In The Yucatan Times, we believe, the gastronomic businesses that exist in Mérida and in the state in general, in order to compete with the new restaurants, will have to become more efficient and adapt to the new tendencies of the market, will have to achieve better results by improving service, costs and processes, better training and professionalizing of their staff… but most of all, by paying more attention to their clients.


The Yucatan Times

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