The Yucatecan company Kishur, which contributes to the cultivation of the Ramón tree (Brosimum alicastrum), has aroused the interest of entrepeneurs in European countries, as well as businessmen in Abu Dhabi and Australia. Kishur planted around one million specimens and are currently working with investors to start exporting the seed and processed products such as flour, tea and coffee to several countries.
Governor Rolando Zapata Bello, explained during an interview that the Ramón seeds can become the basis of an adequate diet, since Ramón-made flour has even more protein than corn, with better nutritional properties.
“Regarding its nutritional value and possibilities of production, the Ramón seeds can become a key element in the strategy of the “National Crusade against Hunger”, because it allows greater production of seeds”, declared researcher Alfonso Larqué Saavedra, from the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT).
Larqué Saavedra added that this is the result of seven years of his work at the Scientific Research Center of Yucatán (CICY).
As part of that study, scientifics investigated how many kilos of seed a Ramón tree produces annually, and in what months of the year do they have more production, among other data.
“In addition, Ramón seeds have a significant amount of carbohydrates and proteins, considerable amounts of minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamins and folic acid, according to analysis in seeds, leaves, pericarp and fruit”, the researcher added.
“Besides, the production of Ramón seeds will help the Mayan communities as its inhabitants are hired to collect the seed. According to the research, in one hectare there are 350 trees that produce 25 tons of seed with the value of six pesos each, an approximate amount of 150,000 pesos per year, which divided by 12 months gives us approximately 12,000 pesos per month. The stockpiling of the seed could trigger the local economy for these rural communities”, Larqué Saavedra concluded.

Ramón Tree (brosimum alicastrum) Photo: Google