The accumulation of solid urban waste (SUW) is a global problem and since it is a matter of environmental impact, it is crucial to start contributing to foster a better space for future generations, according to TECMED.
With figures from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), TECMED detailed that the generation of solid waste reached 53.1 million tons which is 62% more than in 2003 which means that each inhabitant generates, on average, 1.2 kilograms a day, that is 438 kilograms per year.
The company specializing in integrated waste management processes detailed that the amount of waste produced by the inhabitants of the cities has been increasing at high speed, as a result of throwing away materials used in domestic activities.
In a statement, TECMED explained that most modern societies achieve their development without adequately controlling negative environmental impact, due to the fact that human processes and activities imply the production of a large amounts of garbage. These include urban growth, industrial development, technological changes and changes in the consumption patterns of the population, among others.
TECMED also stated that countries with more developed economies belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), generate more solid waste than the rest of the world’s population.
In 2010 about 44% of the SUW produced on the planet correspond to the OECD members; where Latin America and the Caribbean contributed with 12% of the total amount, just behind the countries that make up the Pacific and East Asian regions, with 21 percent.
In the meanwhile data from the publication “What about waste, a global review of solid waste management” (“Qué pasa con los residuos, una revisión global del manejo de desechos sólidos”), published by the World Bank, showed in 2012 the figure of SUW was 1.3 billion tons per day, but by 2025 it could reach 2.2 billion.