MÉRIDA, Yuc.- After announcing the completion of a Yucatecan version of “Central Park” at Merida’s former railway station, Michel Salum Francis, president of the National Chamber of Commerce and Services of Mérida (Canacome), said that the site will be detonated gradually to encourage the commercial sector, mainly focused on tourism.
He stressed that the construction of a park of this size in the coming years will be one of the most important projects in Mérida that will also serve for the leisure of families living in the surroundings.
Currently, that particular zone of the city is not very “visually attractive”, but as soon as the park opens, the streets around it will become an area of opportunity, not only for businesses but for the restaurant sector as well.
“I think the announcement of the construction of a large park in the former train station will trigger a transformation for the good of this entire area and this will enrich the local economy in many different ways” he said.
“Local businessmen and entrepreneurs are starting to show interest in the project, and as the development progresses, more investments will reach this area of the city”, Salum Francis.
TYT Newsroom with information from Sipse.com