Several civil and social organizations, private initiative, academia, as well as the three levels of government will implement a 10-year strategic plan in Yucatan to reduce air pollution, in order to protect the health of the population.
For this reason, an agreement was signed for the formalization of the Core Committee of the Management Program to Improve Air Quality (ProAire) in Yucatan, between the head of the Secretariat of Urban Development and Environment (Seduma) Eduardo Adolfo Batllori Sampedro, and the general director of Air Quality Management and Pollutant Emissions and Transfer Register of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), Ana Patricia Martínez Bolívar.
In the Labná auditorium of the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sefoe), Batllori Sampedro explained that the document consists of carrying out specific actions that will lead to an analysis and diagnosis on atmospheric monitoring, with the purpose of better environmental conditions , create awareness and promote citizen participation.
The program consists of six strategic lines: three focused on reducing harmful emissions and is divided in three transversal axes.
Basically what is sought is to reduce emissions from motor vehicles and the industrial sector, and also prevent fires in the wild.