Government and businessmen seek to continue promoting Yucatecan entrepreneurship, through training, in order to form local companies that can be developed locally and abroad.
With the aim of encouraging young people to continue developing entrepreneurial projects, the Yucatecan Institute of the Entrepreneurs (IYEM) and GS1 Mexico, will provide financial support, as well as training for innovative ideas.
The head of the IYEM, Francisco Lezama Pacheco, explained that currently there is a myth about entrepreneurship, about “it is not something serious”, so they seek to break those paradigms.
“We want to destroy the myth that the entrepreneur is that guy who starts in a disorganized way to sell and buy and he’s just doing it while he finds a steady job,” he said.
For her part, the representative of GS1 Mexico, Paola Cabrera, said that the company currently supports more than 200 Yucatecan projects, and that they seek to support more young people not only in the subject of training, but also economically.
“Not only in training but also in issues where the IYEM is going to give financial support as mentioned, we are already looking for companies that require support to become part of GS1 Mexico team,” he added.
Lezama Pacheco added that they will be looking for serious entrepreneurs, and that in a few days the call to apply for GS1 Mexico’s support will come to light.
“We are looking for entrepreneurs willing to form serious companies, prepared to enter the most important production chains,” she added.