Twenty tourist guides of Cozumel got certified in specialized tourism oriented towards nature with specific activity in environmental interpretation, this was made official through a diploma that is certified by the Federal Tourism Secretariat and focused on compliance with NOM-09-TUR-2002.
Noel Rivas Cano, project coordinator of the Environmental Interpretation Center of the Cozumel Parks and Museums Foundation, who received his certified guide credential, was honored as a distinguished guide by Cenlatur, explained that it is important for the island to have trained people to be able to interpret and value the richness of natural heritage, and transmit it to visitors with scientific and technical knowledge, being very useful when you receive groups that seek tourism focused on nature, college students, or research groups.

Rivas Cano indicated that the specialty course, which is oriented towards nature, with specific activity in environmental interpretation, was taught by the Latin American Center for Tourism Guides Training S.C., an organization certified by the Federal Tourism Secretariat and focused on compliance with the NOM-09-TUR-2002, which establishes the elements to which the specialized guides must adhere in specific activities.
The group of 20 guides from Cozumel is the first generation of this highly specialized discipline.
Biologists Cristina Mota Rodríguez and Noel Anselmo Rivas and the graduates in Natural Resources Management, Paulina Sabido Villanueva and Jorge Villanueva Pool, who work in the Center of Conservation and Environmental Education, concluded this diploma course, which was promoted by the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP) and staff from different institutions related to environmental conservation, as well as guides for tourists, divers, bird watchers, and other nature lovers, concluded.