Residents of Vega del Mayab, a subdivision located in the municipality of Conkal, demand that municipal authorities clarify the mysterious death of dogs and cats in this exclusive residential area.
Vega del Mayab is located to the north of the city of Mérida within one of the zones of greater surplus value and growth in town.
Vega del Mayab residents indicated that through a WhatsApp group, information about the death of these animals is being constantly shared, but to date, they do not know who or what is poisoning them. Likewise, they said that the problem has already affected several families in the area, since not only stray dogs and cats have been killed, but also pets.
Regarding the problem, Yucatecan citizen Mariano Cocom said that although he does not live in the residential area of Conkal, he often goes to the site to perform certain duties that have to do with his job in a Real Estate company, and the residents have told him about the deaths of animals.
“People think that somebody is trying to put an end to the problem of stray dogs that enter the area, but in their eagerness to get rid of these animals, they have poisoned pets on the premises too” Cocom said.
Residents of the municipality of Yucatan Conkal, who requested to remain anonymous, stated that they had to take their pets to relatives’ homes to prevent them from being accidentally poisoned.