It is estimated that 180,000 Yucatecans live in the United States, 62,000 of them belong to Maya indigenous zones.
Migrants send remittances that reactivate the economy of their communities.
According to the Bank of Mexico, the figures for remittances in 2017 for Yucatan were 154.5 million US dollars, 9% more than in 2016.
“The number of remittances has increased, the resources reached 38.9 million dollars that are circulating this quarter and have benefited their families who invest a lot of that money in housing and infrastructure”, explained Rosario Cetina, director of the Institute for the Development of the Maya People (Instituto para el Desarrollo de los pueblos Mayas: Indemaya)
80% of Yucatan migrants are men between 14 and 29 years of age and 60% are from the Maya indigenous area.
The remittances allow families of migrants to invest these resources small orchards or poultry, which they then sell to obtain an extra income.
“They create their own small businesses, hot-dog carts, “cocinas económicas“, sewing, embroidering and tailoring, grocery stores or a pig farms”, said Rosario Cetina, director of the Institute for the Development of the Maya People: Indemaya.
In Yucatan the municipalities that show the greatest migration are Cenotillo, Oxkutzcab, Peto, Muna, Tunkás and Motul, all located in the southern part of the State and with a predominantly Maya indigenous population.