For some reason, it has become popular to stop caring. From relationships to business environments, it is not rare to find people afraid of investing their energy for the sake of others. This becomes especially common when “the others” are not close to us or are complete strangers.
A good example is when customer service departments work the minimum just to get the clients out of their backs. And I guess is understandable, if you work ten hours a day for a miserable salary, that getting the job done is one thing but caring about the work you do is another.
Caring requires energy, a lot of energy, patience, humility and a great deal of empathy. These qualities are not easy for a company to teach to their employees, especially if the CEO, Directors and Managers do not have them.
Furthermore, being humble and having empathy are qualities sometimes viewed as signs of weakness, while giving a good service can be also be perceived as working hard to diminish oneself.
This is why the best services are most common associated with being expensive. Nevertheless, shielding good service with expensive prices should not be the norm.
Great service should come from the core of the company, regardless of price. Employees of course need to be comfortable, well paid, happy, and most important, have a purpose in their work.
In a world where not giving a f**k has become so easy, caring has become an art. The qualities of caring are extremely important to the service industry, most important in tourism and absolutely vital when it comes to Medical Tourism.
When people travel to a different country for leisure, expectations regarding service can be high but are only a part of the whole experience. When the traveling is for medical reasons, the service in the destination is the whole experience. From customer service, drivers, concierges to nurses and doctors, the service received needs to go beyond work rightly done, it needs to be work made by people who cares, people who cares a lot.
In Mexico, and particularly in Merida Yucatán, the service industry is known for being excellent. Furthermore, Medical Tourism is not new to Yucatan and for many years patients from different countries have sought the professionality and human service of Yucatecan doctors and dentists.
The highly regarded medical infrastructure of Merida has also contributed to make this city a perfect and safe option when looking for orthopedic, dental and plastic surgery treatments, among others. But maybe what has been most regarded about Merida is the kindness of its people and the extra quality of giving a little love when working for the wellbeing of others, even if you are a stranger.
by Alejandro Manero
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed hereby are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Yucatan Times.