“With an average of 30,000 tourists during the weekends, the hotel and restaurant industries expect to close the summer holiday period exceeding the goal of 3.4 billion pesos in economic impact”, revealed the leader of the National Chamber of Commerce Services and Tourism (Canaco-Servytur), Michel Salum Francis.
The leader of the chamber said that the month of July brought positive results due to the large number of passers-by who registered at the various tourist sites of the state, mainly at beach destinations, leaving a good economic revenue for businesses and in those areas.

The president of the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Canaco servytur) of Mérida, Michel Salum Francis, highlighted that the beaches were the most visited sites on weekends, with an influx of more than 30,000 people in Progreso only, which boosts the economy of that port significantly (Photo: Punto Medio)
He indicated that the business of food and convenience stores increased their sales from 50 to 100 percent, compared to a normal weekend of any other month of the year.
“In general, the weekends in July were positive, with increases in sales, mainly in restaurants and supermarkets, as well as a high demand for lodging in hotels on the Yucatecan coast,” he continued.
Salum Francis said that for the weekends of August, the last month of summer vacation, the prospects are very good among merchants, service providers, restaurateurs, hoteliers and other businesses located in the tourist sites of the state.
In that sense, he pointed out that the beaches are the most visited points, with the highest concentration in Progreso, with an average of 35,000 visitors every weekend, but other sites such as archaeological zones, colonial cities, ecotourism places and Magic Towns (Izamal and Valladolid), have also reported good affluence, mainly of regional and national tourists.
Michel Salum reiterated that the positive results for the businesses of the tourist sites of Yucatan, in July and the first weekend of August, augur that the last three weekends of this month will be better, considering that many families wait until these dates to go on vacation.
Source: laverdadnoticias.com