Tulum will be headquarters of the first meeting for the creation of the National Network of Solutions for Plastic Pollution.
The city of Tulum, Quintana Roo, will host the Forum for the Formation of a National Network of Solutions for Plastic Pollution, from October Thursday 18 to the 20, where different environmental organizations will be present. UN Environment, Greenpeace, Organi-k, Chalchi ac Foundation, among others.
Plastics pollution is affecting every corner of our planet. From the depths of the oceans to the remote forests, from the Arctic to the riverbanks and beaches where sea turtles nest. Our throwaway culture is destroying our environment.

(Photo: laverdadnoticias.com)
That is why this Forum for the Formation of a National Network of Solutions to Plastic Pollution, will feature topics such as “One-Use Plastic: A Roadmap for Sustainability”, “Waste Management in Mexico and New Technologies “,” National Map of Municipal Regulations and State Laws to combat Plastic Pollution “, Alternatives to Plastic, as well as Sustainable Certification workshops for the tourism industry and Comprehensive Waste Management Program.
Forum for the Formation of a National Network of Solutions to Plastic Pollution.
Some of the presentations will be in charge of the Mtra. Dolores Barrientos, Representative in Mexico of the UN Environment, Lic. Arnold Ricalde de Jager, Founder of Organi-k, Dr. Cristina Cortinas, President of the Queretana Network of Waste Management A.C. (REQMAR) (to be confirmed), Dr. Marcelo de Andrade, from Earth Council Alliance.
If you want to join the fight against plastic pollution, do not miss this event!
TYT Newsroom with information from: laverdadnoticias.com