To strengthen the cultural offer of the 37 “Casas de Cultura” (Houses of Culture) across the state of Yucatan and its respective community museums is among the priorities of the State Ministry of Culture and Arts (Sedeculta), for the 2019-2024 period.
Artistic education, development of creators, training, strengthening and dissemination of heritage are some of the items the work plan of development contemplates.
Érica Millet Corona, new head of the Ministry of the Interior, indicated that the 106 municipalities of Yucatan require investment, attention and presence to boost their cultural situation, and the state executive will work on that need of entrustment, in order to benefit the entire state.

Casa de la Cultura Valladolid, Yucatan (Flickr)
In a statement, she explained that the challenge of providing municipalities with tools and advice so that they can develop their cultural policies to the maximum from the community itself poses several opportunities for the rescue, dissemination and promotion of Yucatan’s rich artistica and cultural heritage.
Some of the upcoming activities include the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Yucatecan Children’s Cultural Center that, with an enrollment of 700 students, offers an artistic and comprehensive education in Mérida.

Trío Los Juglares (Photo: YouTube)
In that sense, activities are planned for the anniversary celebrations of artists, such as the 30 years of the Los Juglares Trio, as well as a celebration to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Yucatecan regional theater creators.
Millet Corona reported that a campaign on the regional theater will be promoted and will be officially institutionalized in the state of Yucatan on May 2 as the “Regional Theater Day”.

Cholo and Petrona original precursors of the Yucatecan regional theater movement (Photo:
TYT Newsroom with information from