The alleged kidnapping of a girl in Mérida was reported unofficially on social networks. According to posts on Facebook and other social media platforms, Silvana, a child of approximately 4 years of age, was getting off the bus with her father in San José Tzal, Plan de Ayala Sur, in southern Mérida, when two men attacked the father and took the girl aboard a red Nissan Versa with no visible license plates.
The video was posted on Youtube and immediately went viral in Mérida, the incident was published on and other news websites, shortly after noon on Tuesday Dec. 4th. The posts included the description and a photograph of the girl that was allegedly kidnapped, along with the father’s telephone number.
However, the Ministry of Public Security (SSP) announced on Wednesday Dec. 5th, that the girl who was snatched from the arms of her father in San José Tzal is “perfectly safe” and denied that the case was a kidnapping.
As the newspapers reported, Irving Arana Cervera denounced on Tuesday December 4th that two men took his daughter Silvana when they both were returning from her school in San José Tzal. Now, it is known that along with the attackers was the mother of the girl, who was the one that took the child.
Arana Cervera tried to stop them from taking his daughter, but the men beat him up, causing him several injuries.

Silvana (Photo:
On Wednesday Dec. 5, the Yucatán Public Security Secretariat: SSP published the following message on its social network accounts, : “The girl Silvana G.A.C. is alive and well with her mother. There was no kidnapping. The mother of the child A.G.C.G. took her after arguing yesterday with the father of the girl, Issac A.A.C., in the San José Tzal neighborhood, agents of @sspyuc have taken the parents and child to the Public Ministry for the proceedings of law.
TYT Newsroom with information from