“Governor and mayors shall not be thinking about the next election, but about the next generation. We want to carry out long-term projects, which results could go beyond one administration, to have the satisfaction of seeing our successors continuing with the work we started, in a responsible way, “said Mauricio Vila Dosal during the adhesion ceremony of 11 municipalities to the Global Compact of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM).
In the Hall of History of the Government Palace and in the presence of the Ambassador of the European Union (EU) in Mexico, Klaus Rudischhauser, Vila Dosal witnessed the signing of a document in which the Municipalities of Hunucmá, Progreso, Umán, Valladolid and all the others that make up the Intercultural Biocultural Board of the Puuc (Jibiopuuc), conformed by Tekax, Muna, Oxkutzcab, Santa Elena, Ticul and Tzucacab, and Mérida.
From now on, these locations are added to the 9,149 cities in more than 120 countries of the world that are part of GCoM, an initiative that reaches more than 700 million people, approximately 10% of the world population.
In addition, the president and the director of the Agency for Regional Development of the Ljubljana Urban Region, Slovenia, Lilijana Madjar, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Yucatan and this Eastern European country, which includes the exchange of experiences and the meeting of niches of common interest to carry out an action plan on new business opportunities between both regions for their economic, social and sustainable development.
Vila Dosal highlighted that the union of these municipalities, considered the largest in the State, to the great global alliance promoted by the International Urban Cooperation Program (IUC), which is financed by the European Union, means a commitment to implement actions in climate and energy, and a right to receive technical support for the reduction of carbon emissions and exchange of successful experiences.
“Today we are also initiating this urban cooperation with the province of Ljubljana, because we have many things in common, and a lot to learn from each other. It is important to know what is being done in other parts of the world, because we want our municipalities part of this global efffort, “he said.
The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy was signed by the municipal presidents of Hunucmá, Alberto Padrón Romero; Progreso, Julián Zacarías Curi; Umán, Freddy Ruz Guzmán and Valladolid, Enrique Ayora Sosa, as well as Diego Avila Romero, mayor of Tekax, representing the Jibiopuuc. For its part, Mérida ratified its participation in this alliance since November 2016.
Accompanied by the head of the Secretariat of Sustainable Development (SDS), Sayda Rodríguez Gómez, Vila Dosal announced that a delegation from the Slovenian community will be working in Yucatan to design strategies and approaches for common work.
Zero plastic waste
Vila highlighted the strategy “Towards a Yucatan with Zero Waste”, attached to the public policies of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 of the United Nations (UN) ).
He recalled that part of this strategy is the initiative, delivered a few days ago to the local Congress, for the amendment to the Law for the Integral Management of Residues in the State of Yucatan and its regulations, with the idea of gradually moving in the substitution, elimination and consequent prohibition of plastic bags and plastic straws.
The governor said that “what is demonstrated today is that, through the leadership that the State Government can exercise and the disposition of the City Councils, today we have mayors who are joining this important global movement that is fighting to reduce the impacts of climate change.”
“We have the desire to move forward, we have the responsibility to do it, but also, after all, the problems end up being, often, the same, obviously, with different conditions and with different characteristics,” the governor concluded.
TYT Newsroom with information from poresto.net