Leaders of business chambers considered that fiscal stimuli to tourism investments within the State will allow more municipalities to develop as tourism service poles, although other sectors could also be privileged, such as the Yucatan farming sector, which also deserves incentives.
The president of the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Mérida (Canacome), Michel Salum Francis, said that the state government proposal will allow investment in tourism projects not only concentrated in Méridal, but also in other parts of the State.
“It is a very good strategy to encourage investment within the State, since the arrival of resources has almost always been maintained almost exclusively for the capital of Yucatan” Salum Francis said.
“However, we have a huge tourism potential in different destinations all over the state, with gastronomy, culture, magical towns and outstanding natural attractions to develop a strong tourism infrastructure that can help the economic and social improvement of the rural communities ;” he continued.
Before the publication of the Rules of Operation for the Program of Aid and Subsidies for the Promotion of Tourism of Meetings in Yucatan for 2019 (Reglas de operación para el Programa de Ayudas y Subsidios para el Fomento del Turismo de Reuniones en Yucatán para 2019), Héctor Navarrete Medina, President of the Mexican Association of Hotels of Yucatan (AMHY), said that changes have been made in order to promote more profit generation for all the sectors involved.

Héctor Navarrete Medina (Photo: La Revista)
Admitting that he does not know the publication in depth, Navarrete Medina said that the subsidies are an incentive for companies of the tourism industry that bring groups and conventions to the State capital, as their main source of income.
Meanwhile, Jorge Escalante Bolio, former president of the Tourist Business Council (Cetur), said he was in favor of the new rules, since they stipulate that companies can be considered specialists in convention tourism.
TYT Newsroom with information from SIPSE