MERIDA, YUCATÁN (TYT). – The government of Yucatan reported that after reviewing close to two thousand files of the process of delivery-reception of the previous administration, irregularities were detected of approximately 533 million pesos in several units. Therefore, as of January 14th six lawsuits will be filed with the corresponding oversight agencies.
At a press conference governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, the heads of the Government Secretariat, María Fritz Sierra, and the State Comptroller’s Office (SCGEY), Lizbeth Basto Avilés, informed that other lawsuits are being prepared, since there is a considerable shortage of government property, serious differences in inventories and administrative discrepancies.

María Dolores Fritz Sierra; Yucatan government secretariat, Lízbeth Basto Avilés, Lízbeth Basto Avilés, government comptroller, and legal advisor, Mauricio Tappan Silveira.
Basto Avilés explained that 26 proceedings are being integrated to presented today, January 14th at the Prosecutor’s Office, Corruption Combat Unit (Vicefiscalía Especializada en Combate a la Corrupción) and the Superior Audit of the State of Yucatan.
Most of the irregularities detected were at:
- Secretariats of Education
- Administration and Finance
- Health
- General Government
- Urban Development and Environment
- Tourism Promotion
- Social Security – ISSSTEY (Social Security for the workers of State of Yucatan)
- Yucatan Sports Institute (IDEY)
- Institutes of Legal and Patrimonial Security (Insejupy)
- Educational Units such as Cobay, the Metropolitan Technological University (UTM), the Higher Technological Institute of Progreso ( ITSP) and the Community Hospital of Peto.
This issue has become a nation wide topic and former governor Rolando Zapata has declared he will pronounce himself regarding this subject.
The Yucatan Times