Home NewsCrime Heavily-armed gangsters launch military-style assault against rival cartel in Guanajuato (VIDEO)

Heavily-armed gangsters launch military-style assault against rival cartel in Guanajuato (VIDEO)

by Yucatan Times
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A group of armed men filmed their swat-like attack against a rival cartel which left five men dead. The alleged members of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel drove up to an auto body shop in Guanajuato, and delivered a deadly assault against the presumed associates of the New Jalisco Generation Cartel in a battle over turf control of the illegal oil tapping business or ‘huachicoleo’. The attack reportedly occurred February 5, according to Mexican news outlet Vanguardia. The footage was originally posted on social media. One of the killers, apparently carrying a Go-Pro camera attached to his body, records the moment two pickup trucks make a sudden stop on a dirt street and unleash the savage strike on the unsuspecting men.
The clip starts with a man, perhaps the leader of the gang, hopping out of a vehicle and ordering his cohorts to rush the building. A man wearing a yellow t-shirt then uses his military assault rifle to blast two shots at a wounded male victim who was laying on the ground. In the back, a male voice shouts, ‘El Marro, El Marro,’ an apparent reference to José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel.
The presumed ringleader then orders one of the cartel members to break down a wall. The man goes into the pickup truck and places it in reverse before barreling over the structure. Much to their dismay, it appears that the person they are looking for escaped. Both groups have been at odds since December 2017 when Yépez Ortiz declared war on New Jalisco Generation Cartel, led by Nemesio ‘El Mencho’ Oseguera Cervantes, a former ally of Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán. El Mencho is the most-wanted man in Mexico and one of the most-sought after by the United States Department of Justice, who is offering a $10 million bounty after agency originally offered $5 million. Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/

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