Stephane Palmieri, president of the Maya Melipona foundation, celebrated the opening of this new “Meliponario” center, on Friday February 15, and said that, despite the lack of support from the government, they are working on the preservation of this millenary tradition, that is also a resource that can be used for the benefit of the Maya communities of Quintana Roo.
This year they work both in the conservation and procreation of the Yucatecan native bee and in the backyard gardens all over the rural communities of the Peninsula.
Palmieri said that they handed over to the “Lool Xaan” cooperative, 20 beehives of the native bee (Melipona becheii), The association is made up of 19 partners and about 400 beneficiaries.
These houses of bees are the seedbed for the raising of more beehives, work that is carried out with the Technological Institute of Felipe Carrillo Puerto. The president of the Maya Melipona foundation said that this is the first step in towards the procreation of the native bee in its own land, after it was considered extinct for years.
“Despite the lack of support, we have maintained working continuosly to expand the number of villages that receive this benefit, and keep working as guardians of the Melipona in the three municipalities of Quintana Roo’s Maya area: Felipe Carrillo Puerto, José María Morelos and Tulum. Of course, training is required in order to be able to properly perform the corresponding activities to protect the species, so residents are trained in constant practice through workshops. The participation of educational institutions is essential to train people in the care and rescue of the native Melipona bee, and that is why academic centers such as the Technological Institute of Felipe Carrillo Puerto are involved,” Stephane Palmieri said.

Tihosuco is only 210 kilomenters (145 miles) East of Merida (INEGI)
There are more than 400 hives in the inventory of the Maya area of this municipality and they hope to grow that number and expand into other nearby municipalities.
Around 370 of these beehives that are owned by the “cooperativas” work with properly trained personnel for the handling of the Melipona species, and management of the product (honey).
According to, the traditional uses and clinical applications of the – Melipona honey – include the following: antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antihyperlipidemic, cardioprotective properties; useful in the treatment of eye disorders, gastrointestinal tract diseases, neurological disorders, among others.
“The Melipona Maya foundation has the purpose of reproducing and promoting the growth of the hives, and then lean towards promoting the production and commercialization of the products that this species produces”, Palmieri concluded.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom with information from