While the US president, Donald Trump, is looking for funds to finance the construction of the controversial wall on the border with Mexico, a US citizen, in just a matter of days, raised a fence in the Mexican state of Yucatan with which he closed the access of a public beach near his home.
According to RT, last week on social networks it was reported that in the coastal town of Santa Clara an American citizen that resides in Mexico, had begun to “place beams out in the sea” and completed the construction with mesh, “Which is prohibited, since it contaminates the water,” reported journalist and social activist Rodrigo Vázquez.
“Gringo” le gana a #Trump y construye muro pero en playa de #Yucatán
Un extranjero de nombre “Quenzie” que siempre ha causado polémica en esta parte del estado, cerró parte de un acceso a la playa de #SantaClara lo que fue denunciado por los habitantes de esta comisaría de #Dzidzantún @PROFEPA_Mx @MauVila pic.twitter.com/HWrUvjtxEq— Rodrigo Vázquez Parada ✌ (@RodriVazquezz) 16 de marzo de 2019
According to the complaint, the US citizen residing in that Mexican town “has always caused controversy”, and years ago he even placed a drain from his house directly to the sea. The complaint regarding the “wall” on the beach of Santa Clara caused great agitation in the local population, and local residents f Santa Clara have asked the authorities to take action on the matter.
The Secretariat of Sustainable Development of Yucatan ordered the person responsible for this work to remove the fence, which was carried out almost immeidately. Meanwhile, the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection proceeded to impose a sanction against the U.S citizen.

Santa Clara is 90 km (55 miles) northeast of Merida (INEGI)
“People need to understand that the beaches of Mexico are public spaces, that can not be privatized,” the Undersecretary of Planning and Tourism Policy of the Mexican Government, Simón Levy, wrote in his Twitter account.
TYT Newsroom with information from SIPSE