Since Sunday April 14 in the early morning, many of the beaches of Playa del Carmen showed between two and five meters of macroalgae, preventing bathers and sun seekers to enter its gorgeous turquoise waters.
With the beginning of the holiday period of Easter, state authorities are considering to declare an emergency and call for help to the federation since it is expected a massive arrival of the sargazo, making it a national emergency. Since sunday, the coasts of Playa del Carmen is almost completely covered with macroalgae.

Faced with this reality, it becomes imminent the declaration of “early warning” proposed by the “Technical Advisory Council of the Government of Quintana Roo” for the Sargasso Phenomenon. Researchers and experts in the field have pronounced themselves in favor of a monitoring system and early warnings, in addition to seeking support with companies interested in giving sustainable use to sargasso.
Since sunday in the early hours, it was possible to see mountains of sargasso in various points of the beaches of Playa del Carmen, but also the absence of municipal, state and federal authorities in order to implement a contingency plan to clean up the most affected sands.
In almost all hotels employees are working hard to clean up their sandy areas so tourism can enjoy the beach and the sun in Playa del Carmen. So far, San Clamente and las Toninas are clear of sargasso.
The Yucatan Times