The Yucatecan Civil Association known as Ciudadanos Hartos (literally translated as “Fed-up Citizens”), claimed that the municipal garbage dump of Mérida does not have the proper technology to reduce toxic chemicals, which represents a significant danger for citizens. However, Mérida mayor Renán Barrera Concha, asked this and other civil associations not to make statements without knowledge, because they only generate polarization in society.
In recent days, members of this association reported that the municipality of Mérida was committing negligence in the treatment of waste management, they mentioned that highly toxic and poisonous gases come off the waste and go to the water table.
At this regard, Renán Barrera highlighted that the Mérida sanitary landfill features state-of-the-art technology, and is one of the most efficient at national level. “We have a wastewater treatment plant, a garbage separation plant and a compost plant. We have the whole cycle carefully monitored, audited by environmental experts,” the mayor said.
The mayor added that the municipalities of Kanasín and Progreso, which do not have this type of technology, are requesting support from the Mérida municipal government to implement them asap.
Barrera Concha invited the complainants and any other civil associations or NGOs, to approach the municipal authority and request accurate information on this subject, instead of making statements without knowledge that only divide opinions and polarize the population.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom