A student of the UADY’s Prepa 1 filed a formal complaint against a teacher, accusing him of harassing and sexually abusing her when she went to request a grade revision that apparently was incorrectly displayed on the school’s online platform.
The teenager was talking to the Information Technology’s teacher C.E.C.R, when he lasciviously touched her on the leg, which obviously annoyed the young girl, who immediately rebuked and started recording with her cellphone. The teacher ended up pushing her out of the computer room.
The young woman approached the teacher because she needed to revise a grade, because she achieved 74 points on a test, but the online platform was showing only 52 points.
The victim was sitting in front of a computer, when suddenly the teacher began to touch her leg. This case occurred on Thursday, June 6, and it is said that this is not the first time that the aforementioned teacher is accused of sexual harassing, but it is the first time a student files a formal criminal complaint before the authorities.
The following text is the Facebook publication on which the student publicly denounces the case of abuse:
I am ashamed to admit that the school in which I study is admired and respected, but that does not give them the right to cover something like this.
No girl deserves to go through harassment or SEXUAL ABUSE, I did not look for teacher CC (for legal reasons I can not post his full name, but most people know who I mean) to cheat, I looked for him just to clarify my grades, and he took advantage of the situation to grab my leg.
“It may not be a big deal”, but it is considered sexual abuse, so I decided to raise my voice and make it public because no girl deserves to go through something like this, I do not intend to sit and watch how this type of situation continues to happen, I’m going to look a fair sanction for his totally inappropriate behavior.
No teacher has the right to touch me, that’s why I’m going to seek justice. They ask for evidence to believe and I have it, but I think it is important to emphasize that I would never make a false accusation against any person.
I started the legal complaint and I hope that the other girls do the same, I invite them to participate in a march on Monday at 10 am from the Prepa Uno campus to the UADY central building.
Spread the word, I do not intend to keep quiet #NIUNAMÁS (#NotOneMore)

Escuela Preparatoria Número Uno de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (Photo: Archive)
And on Monday June 10th, a group of UADY students demonstrated outside the main building, protesting against cases of sexual harassment against their classmates.
After the complaint made on social networks by the Prepa Uno student, accusing a teacher of harassment, a group of young people marched in support of their fellow classmate.
With a blanket that says “Universities free of violence, UADY without harassment,” the protesters came to the campus entrance to show their outrage on this case.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom