US authorities are investigating former Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018), for allegedly authorizing the purchase of an overpriced fertilizer plant, according to information published on Tuesday June 18 by Mexico City based newspaper El Universal.
According to the Mexican media, the United States Department of Justice and the Security and Exchange Commission said in a report that the former Mexican president, may have received a bribe to authorize in 2015 the purchase of -Fertinal- an overpriced fertilizer plant by Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex).
According to the documents, the Mexican president gave his endorsement to the former director of Pemex Emilio Lozoya -now wanted by the Mexican law enforcement authorities for fraud.
Questioned on the subject, the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador stated on Tuesday June 18th that there is an ongoing investigation into alleged corruption in the purchase of the aforementioned fertilizer plant.
“There are allegations that had already been submitted, if we don’t proceed against the suspects we would be silent accomplices,” said the president and leader of the leftist National Regeneration Movement (Morena) from the National Palace.
When asked about Peña Nieto’s involvement in the case, AMLO replied that he had not read the article.
In response, former president Enrique Peña Nieto posted the following on his Twitter account:

“I categorically reject the false accusations against me, published this morning in different media and attributed to a supposed informant, it is not the first occasion they seek to incriminate me in bad faith and without any foundation. Of course, they lie “
Fact is that the name of Peña Nieto is mentioned in the documentation that is in possession of US authorities as part of the investigation against Emilio Lozoya.
Source: El Universal