The government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has plans to disappear Seguro Popular and leave in its place the new Health Institute for Wellbeing, which will be responsible for serving people who do not have social security.
The federal administration is preparing an initiative to reform the Health Law for the creation of this new institution with service for the whole population.
“The Health Institute for Wellbeing replaces the functions of the SEGURO Popular; It was neither safe nor popular, “said AMLO during a public event at the San Cayetano Rural Hospital in Nayarit.
President López Obrador signed the memorandum detailing how the Health Institute for Wellbeing will function under the new Public Health System: the new institution will operate with an initial budget of 80 billion pesos from the Catastrophic Expenses Protection Fund. The institute will be directed by Juan Antonio Ferrer and will work in coordination with the IMSS and ISSSTE , which will continue to serve the insured population.
AMLO explained that the basic medicine chart will disappear so that Mexicans have free access to all medicines. If necessary, the federal government would create a drug distributor to ensure supply in all regions of the country.
This new institution will also apply the policies of the IMSS “Bienestar” program, which the president assured will not disappear, and will take over the units and hospitals that are attached to local governments financed by Seguro Popular, this under the approval of state governors.
In addition, this new institution will concentrate the acquisition of medicines, healing material and medical equipment for the health sector; these will be consolidated purchases in order to have significant savings (according to AMLO).
Seguro Popular was created with a reform of the General Health Law in 2003 and came into force in 2004 / Special
Parallel to the purchasing scheme, an effective system of supplyand delivery of medicines, healing materials, and equipment to medical units, health centers, and hospitals must be created.
“If necessary, we are going to create a distributor for the medicines, the goal is to have enough medicines and medical supplies”, assured the president.
The indigenous and poor communities should be given priority in medications that are required.
“It will also be supervised that the medical units, health centers, and hospitals have sufficient personnel; this includes procuring doctors and nurses even in the most marginalized regions”, AMLO added.
In presenting the guidelines of the institute, AMLO said that “the public health system was dropped and as in other cases corruption prevailed and ended with everything” / Special
For specialists working in the poorest areas, an extra compensation will be sought, unlike those who work in the cities.
The Institute of Health for Welfare will have an area in charge of the construction and maintenance of the infrastructure for health.
It must also undertake a plan to regulate all workers in the health sector with a reliable census to eliminate corruption. The Ministry of Finance will centralize the payroll as it happens with the teacher’s union.
This plan must also include a proposal to provide bases and good benefits to workers based on seniority, good performance and according to the availability of resources.
The Health Institute for Wellbeing will be composed of: general director; director of supply of medicines, healing materials and medical equipment; director of medical personnel and health workers; director for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure; and an administrative director; 4 regional coordinators (south-southeast, center, west, and north).
The initiative to reform the Health Law should be sent to Congress for approval.
The president explained in his morning conference at the National Palace that every six months, eight states of the country will be integrated into the new health system so that within two years the entire country will be operating under this new scheme.
The first beneficiary states will be Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Yucatan, Quintana Roo and Campeche.CONFERENCE WHERE AMLO REITERATED THAT SEGURO POPULAR WILL DISAPPEARThe Yucatan Times Newsroom with information from: TMP.