ORANGE COUNTY Florida USA (Agencies) – Scientists in Florida United States detected and alerted the population about the reappearance of a mosquito-borne virus known as “Eastern equine encephalitis“ known as EEEV. In the release, the Florida Department of Health in Orange County (DOH-Orange) say there has been an increase in mosquito-borne disease activity in areas of Orange County.
Several “sentinel chickens” in the same flock have tested positive for Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) infection and they add, that the risk of transmission to humans has increased.
DOH-Orange reminds residents and visitors to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes and to take basic precautions to help limit exposure.

Source: ArboNET, Arboviral Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
EEEV Could cause brain infection.
Several chickens that are commonly used to detect West Nile and EEEV virus have tested positive, which spreads to humans through mosquitoes and can cause brain infection, the Florida Department of Health said. These chickens, known as sentinels, show the presence of disease but are not affected yet.
Positive tests show that the risk of transmission is increasing. Although few cases are reported, the disease can be fatal. Thirty percent of those infected die and those who survive experience long-term neurological problems.
EEE mosquitoes. Referential photo.
Symptoms of Eastern Corner Encephalitis (EEEV)
Symptoms begin to develop within 4 to 10 days of the bite of the infected mosquito. Some are:
- High fever
- Chills and vomiting
- Headache
In more serious cases:
- Disorientation
- Seizures
- Coma
Authorities recommend disposing of any water containers that could be used by mosquitoes to reproduce. For more information on what repellent is right for you, consider using the Environmental Protection Agency’s search tool to help you choose skin-applied repellent products at:
The Yucatan Times