An Italian food restaurant located inside a commercial plaza located in the Altabrisa neighborhood, north of Mérida, was closed by personnel assigned to the Yucatan Ministry of Health, causing astonishment among the local residents of this part of town.
According to the report of the state authorities, the suspension of restaurant activities was due to contamination of drinking water in contact with food, so the fine could be up to 154 thousand pesos.

During the past weekend, complaints against the Italian food restaurant began to emerge in social networks, where it was even mentioned that there were seven customers intoxicated by the lack of hygiene in the preparation of the food sold there.
Therefore, the state agency received some of these complaints and an inspector was sent to the restaurant to carry out a routine review, that confirmed the alleged contamination of water and food in the premises, where one of the shareholders is the president of the Canaco in Mérida.

The suspension, apparently temporary, was made after the findings that contravene regulation NOM-251 of the Ministry of Health, which establishes the permissible limits of residual chlorine and total and fecal coliform organisms in drinking water that is in direct contact with food.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom with information from La Verdad