Victor Manuel Requejo Hernández was born in Guadalupe Victoria, Durango, Mexico in the year 1937. His mother was a seamstress and his father struggled to find employment to support his family.
The first time Requejo Hernández had to work was at age 7. The bakery in front of his house hired him to go out and distribute bread everyday before 7 in the morning and after 5 in the afternoon. The child’s strength was a brilliant mind, and ever since that early age, he was already very good at math.
He was paid a bag of bread everyday for his work, and that made the family happy. “I always liked working for a compensation. That’s why I worked since I was a young boy, ” he confesses.
The family decided to move from Durango to Torreón, Coahuila, where he lived until he was 17 years old.
Requejo studied law at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). After working in a law firm, he got a job in the Bank of the Army (BANJERCITO), then worked at Bancomer as an office manager and subsequently collaborated at the now extinct Banco del Atlántico, where he lived the nationalization of the bank on September 1, 1982, during the administration of president José López Portillo.
After his retirement, he decided to found several companies, among which are Hipotecaria Nacional, an enterprise he directed for 11 years, and that was sold to Bancomer for 375 million US dollars.

Víctor Manuel Requejo Hernández (Photo: Entrepreneur Mexico 2017)
Earlier this month, Requejo Hernández was questioned in Mérida about one of the most important projects of the administration headed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Maya Train, which continues to cause controversy across the country.
Víctor Manuel Requejo Hernández, 82 year-old president of the Board of Directors of Banco Mexicano Inmobiliario, assures that the railway project will generate extraordinary opportunities for investors in the region.
Considered as one of the biggest experts of the real estate business in the country, Requejo Hernández says that one of the advantages of the Maya Train is that a wide variety of products can be sent to Cancun in a cheaper way and it will be less expensive to transfer tourists too.
In addition, he says that in each station, locals can sell items from their own region. “The train, I’m sure, will benefit the economy and create many sources of work,” Requejo Hernández said.
When asked about the fact that many entrepreneurs believe that the Maya Train and the Dos Bocas refinery are “occurrences”, the expert replied: “Those that are criticizing the project, lost the 2018 election. Their candidate was not López Obrador, nor his Morena party, but the PAN or the PRI , and they do not understand that now there are others who rule in the country and have other programs of their own. ”
The Yucatán Times Newsroom with information from: