MÉRIDA, Yucatán.- In response to the report of the disappearance of a teenager in the Yucatecan capital, agents of the Special Unit for Combating Abduction (UECS) of the State Attorney General’s Office reported that 16-year-old Trinity R.A. was located in good state of health.
After the report on the case and the activation of the corresponding Amber Alert, public security authorities proceeded to the inquiries that resulted in its prompt location.
The young lady’s aunt, said that the teenager left her home on August 30th, and she was not being able to find out her whereabouts, she appealed to the corresponding authorities, who started with the inquiries that resulted in the finding of the missing girl.
#AlertaAmberYucatán agradece su apoyo e informa la desactivación de la Alerta Estatal por la localización de la adolescente TRINITY ROSE ACQUART de 16 años de edad. @fgeyucatan pic.twitter.com/hVki86Pj0n
— Alerta Amber (@AAMBER_yucatan) September 26, 2019
The girl will remain in the facilities of the “Center for comprehensive attention to homeless minors (Centro de atención integral al menor en desamparo: Caimede), while the corresponding legal procedures are carried out.
Press release issued by Gobierno del Estado de Yucatán