PLAYA DEL CARMEN, QUINTANA ROO (Agencies)- The festival “Todos somos catrinas” (All of us are catrinas), which began years ago with “papel picado” classes in different venues and will conclude next week, is ready for its participants to join the traditional parade of Catrinas.
“And on this occasion, participants and attendees will have the opportunity to admire the murals painted on walls that were donated by local and foreign artists for the purpose of this “Day of the Dead” celebration,” explained Jenni Gaona, director of the festival “Todos somos catrinas”.
Also on November 2, Playa el Carmen will host diverse cultural activities, that are expected to finish at 22 hours.
This is the fifth edition of the “Catrinas Festival in Playa”, Jenny Gaona explained. And she added that they expect approximately 500 people characterized as Catrinas, a figure that would exceed the 300 registered last year during the same Festival.
(Photo: Google)
Finally, Gaona mentioned that all events are free admission, and announced that the invitation is open to all the people in Playa del Carmen (locals and tourists) to participate in the event.
The award winning ceremony to recognize the best characterization of the iconic “Catrina”, will be held in Playa del Carmen’s Citadel at 11:00 pm, on Saturday November 2nd.
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The Yucatan Times